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My journey began in 1973 when I was introduced to the martial arts movie genre, Although I was only 2yrs old at the time, The experience left such an Impression, 46 yrs later the Journey Continues. I Have experienced the joys of watching kung fu movies in practically every format it has taken on through the years, Beginning with cinema then moving on to, Betamax, Vhs, Laserdisc, DVD, BluRay and now Digital Download. Through it, all one thing remained constant, My love for the Genre! Through my Facebook page SureBros.Ent(SB.Ent.) I have been, For the last 8 yrs Entertaining my 50.000+ followers through the editing and posting of my "Classic Clips".However, After numerous requests by many of my fellow "Fu-Lovers", I am now happy to provide the means through which, They can now be provided the opportunity to Legally view the movies in their entirety through "Digital Downloads"...Thank You!